AgSafe Mental Health Supports Available to Ranchers and Farmers

March 14th 2022

AgSafe Mental Health Supports Available to Ranchers and Farmers,

The lives of those living and working within farming and ranching communities are never without stress, but recent flooding and fires have caused many farmers and ranchers and their employees an unimaginable amount of stress and anxiety. Robin Collins is a Kamloops counsellor who offers support and mental health services to those working in BC’s agricultural industries who have been impacted by the recent flooding and fires.

She offers support through AgSafe BC, which supplies funding for up to eight individual or family sessions for affected farmers, ranchers, and their employees.

AgSafe’s mission since its inception in 1993 is to create safe, healthy work environments within BC’s agriculture industry through outreach and education and training programs as well as consultation throughout the province. They provide health and safety materials free of charge to BC agricultural employers and workers and are dedicated to improving occupational health and safety for all those who work within BC’s agricultural industries. AgSafe has consultants and advisors located throughout BC and have all the resources necessary to help create effective health and safety programs for all agricultural industries.

AgSafe’s focus in not limited to the physical wellness of those working within agricultural industries. They have a variety of mental wellness resources available and have partnered with a number of mental wellness practitioners throughout the province to provide mental health services to those in need.

Robin Collins is one of those practitioners. As a lifelong horse lover who grew up playing with more horses than children her own age, Robin understands well the stressors involved in farming and ranching from a personal perspective. As a professional with a Masters of Science in Counselling specializing in Clinical Mental Health with a concentration in Equine Assisted Mental Health, she has the expertise to effectively assist those experiencing mental health challenges.

Often known for their rugged toughness and resiliency, she wants those in the farming and ranching communities who may be struggling to know that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

She explains: “As Farmers and Ranchers, we pride ourselves on our ability to be resilient. To go through tough times and not be beaten by them…We need to give ourselves the time and space to recoup our resiliency so that we can continue supporting our communities and families for generations to come.”

Robin uses a multidimensional approach to counselling, including equine assisted counselling, nature-based counselling, and in-office counselling. She also offers online video counselling and is committed to working with clients to development specific plans to improve their mental wellness. She works across populations, from children and youth to adults and families, and with those from a variety of industries, including first responders, veterans, and those working in farming and ranching.

The team at Collins Wellness follows three guiding principles:
    • Ensure the safety of both humans and horses when working together.
    • Work within the values and principles of individual clients.
    • Build stronger communities by facilitating the growth and resiliency of individuals.

If you think you may benefit from mental health support, contact Robin Collins to enquire about counselling. If a friend or loved one needs support, share this information with them. Support is available.

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